Thirsty! Core Values

Hello and welcome,

Thirsty! is a members-only music, dance, and arts community centered in Oakland. We created Thirsty! as a space to assist each and every individual who enters to explore their own personal path to liberation. We have some core values that we ask everyone to respect and contemplate.

Core Values 

1) Our world is organized on anti-Black sentiment. Thirsty! is designed – specifically – as a nurturing and welcoming space for Black women and femmes. Please spend some time contemplating how anti-Blackness shows up in your life when it comes to celebrating the humanity of each person you encounter.

2) Gender violence and oppression is real. Thirsty! works to create an environment where genders that are traditionally oppressed feel free to fully participate and thrive. Whenever possible, we elevate women and femmes to allow their voices to have the weight they deserve. Please assist everyone who is not a CIS-gendered male feel welcome and safe. At the very least, if you see something amiss, please say something to one of our Ambassadors.

3) Capitalism is based on oppression. Thirsty! is stridently anti-capitalist. Whenever we can, we limit transactional relationships and instead work to build community through sharing and collective work. If you have thoughts on how we can do this work to help each other through our liberation, please share them.

4) At Thirsty! we are complete and total sound and audio nerds. We believe that everyone can come closer to their liberation through music, dancing, and enjoying a great vibe.

5) At Thirsty! we value the physical and emotional safety and well-being of everyone. We strive to create a space where our members feel comfortable flying their own individual flag as loudly and proudly as they wish – so long as doing so does not negatively impact others. PLEASE respect everyone’s privacy and desire to be free and enjoy themselves. Do not take photos or videos that can identify people in our space. Put your phones away and simply be present.

6) Consent is mandatory. By entering our space we expect you to understand that ‘NO’ is a full sentence, and enthusiastic consent focuses on the enthusiasm of the ‘YES.’ In consent culture we work to support, listen to, center, marginalized individuals whose autonomy and safety in this world are often threatened.

If you are interested in learning more about our work at Thirsty!, feel free to hit us up in person or via the form below.

    Talk to us =)